Interview with Socially Diverse

Interview with James S. Walker about being a Caribbean Parenting Blogger.

Quote from the Interview:

We have a decent take on the general ‘mommy blogger community’ in the US. What are the major similarities and differences that become apparent when you look at an international community? Anything unique to the Caribbean? I don’t know that there really is a Caribbean mommy blogger community because of the nature of Caribbean parents. There are Caribbean women who blog about parenthood, but not specifically the Caribbean aspect of raising a family. Caribbean parents seem to be more confident in their parenting. While American mommy bloggers offer a lot more advice to parents as far as what to do, in the international community, the traditions are passed down within immigrant communities, so what to do isn’t really the question. I deal more with people like me who have been brought up in Caribbean households, outside of the Caribbean, who feel like that connection is still important. They know what to do, because their parents did it, so I share how to do it. I present recipes for Caribbean food that “Americanized” kids might enjoy, books and educational materials that Caribbean parents can use to introduce the culture to their children, and Caribbean events that are family friendly. I also blog about current movies and events outside of the Caribbean ones because like it or not, the international community is influenced by American products, music, and movies as well, and my kids are very much American children.”