I am a member of From Left to Write, an online book club with members all over the country. Today’s 10 by 10 has WAY more than 10 blogs, but I’m not changing the name. “35 by sometime tonight” just isn’t as catchy.
We read the mystery thriller novel The Expats. Kate Moore sheds happily sheds her old life become a stay at home mom when her husband takes a job in Europe. As she attempts to reinvent herself, she ends up chasing her evasive husband’s secrets. The contributors to From Left to Write used The Expats: A Novel
as a writing prompt to inspire their blog posts today. We “discuss” the book by reading and commenting on one another’s blog posts. Today is book club day, and I intend to read all of the blog posts… Here are my comments. You should check them out too and tell them Eva from SocaMom.com sent you! You can also read MY post here: http://socamom.com/soca/en/reviews/books/792-if-you-dont-know-me-by-now
http://allenfam4.blogspot.com/2013/01/a-secret-vs-surprise.html – “I like the way you did that! I started with my kids really early, when Grandma told them not to tell me that she put sugar in their Cheerios. I explained to the kids that no secret was appropriate, especially if they want you to keep something from your parents. I also let my mother know (probably more graphic than I needed to be) that she could be setting them up to get hurt, molested, or worse, by getting them comfortable with keeping secrets. Freaked her out, but sometimes shock works.”
http://randomwalkdownmommystreet.blogspot.com/2013/01/from-left-to-write-expats.html – *clapping* I really love (not) when you say you’ll be home at a certain time that isn’t when most people are home, and then they ask, “Do you work?” How do I even answer that? I have three kids, so that goes without saying. I work whether or not you think what I do is “real” work.
http://kaenix.com/?p=1041 – When my kids see me take time out of my day or evening to be creative just for the sake of being creative, it lets them see that I find it important – they in turn find it important for themselves too. Not sure if it will be their “thing”, but I do like to see them using that part of their minds.
http://poetinthepantry.com/2013/01/19/from-left-to-right-the-expats/ – Wow… I think it is really wonderful that you decided to share that. This is what I love about From Left to Write. We all read the same book, and rather than just rehashing the plot and critiquing the book, we get the opportunity to share how the book touched us. I’m pretty new too – welcome! 🙂
http://rebecca-lifeofanarmywife.blogspot.com/2013/01/the-ex-pats.html – I’m not an Army wife, and I work with my husband, so we can’t really keep work stuff at work and home stuff at home, unless he’s on a certain type of project. I couldn’t imagine how hard it is to HAVE to keep secrets from my spouse. Thank you for the peek into military marriage.
http://www.writer-mommy.com/2013/01/compartmentalized-from-left-to-write.html – I always was a little jealous that my husband could compartmentalize things. He’s like a file cabinet, and I am more like a messy desk. I keep things in front of my face until they are complete, then and only then can they get filed away. He put things away for the evening so that he can watch the game, hang out with the kids, or watch a movie with me. He’ll get it out of the file later to deal with it – at the time that he thinks it needs to be dealt with. It makes him a much calmer person.
http://readgritandgrace.blogspot.com/2013/01/response-to-expats-excerpt-from-sweet.html – I love the rake/glitter/backhoe reference! I remember being in a relationship like that. I didn’t realize how far I had gone, and how pitiful I had become. One day my brother had come from Dallas to Atlanta to meet some of his friends to go out, and asked me to come. He had told them how pretty and funny his sister was, only to be met at the door of the hotel by the tired, frumpy, listless, glitter-free shell of a woman that a bad relationship had created. Thanks for sharing this! 🙂
http://brittneehenry.wordpress.com/2013/01/20/double-lives-the-expats-by-chris-pavone/ – I love that a simple (or not so simple) change of environment gives us an opportunity to meet new people. I was scared to death to go to conferences and meetings without my family or friends, but once I gave it a try – I REALLY loved the freedom of being able to show my best self and make that first impression all on my own.
http://makinglemonadeblog.com/moving-abroad-the-expats-chris-pavone/ – What wonderful images – makes me feel like packing up and going! I’ve never lived close to family, so I’d run away to a new country in a heartbeat. My husband has always lived near family, so it is a little harder for him to think about moving far from them – even more so now that we have three kids. A girl can still dream though!
http://www.hooeycritic.com/2013/01/secrets.html – My little one has no problem sharing the love of her 6 year old life with us – it’s my teenager that I have to wrangle it out of. It starts with a trickle of information, then after that… tsunami. Great post! 🙂
http://calangel58.blogspot.com/2013/01/super-mom-expats.html – I was lucky to be able to spend a lot of time with my mom at work, and she shared pretty much everything that went on around the office with me – more than she shared with my dad sometimes. I was very clear on how hard it was for her to work all day – sometimes nights and weekends – and try to keep house and keep up with us, and it made me really appreciate her.
http://www.queenmotherblog.com/2013/01/book-club-the-expats-how-im-a-terrible-liar/ – I’m not a terrible liar (I don’t think) – I just don’t really do it. Most people know if they need me to lie about it, they’d probably do better not telling me! I guess I’d make an okay CIA agent…
http://agoodjoe.blogspot.com/2013/01/shooting-messenger.html – No one ever like to be the one to bring the bad news – most for fear of getting shot! Like the friend who tells the other friend that her boyfriend is cheating… and then the friend gets the bullet – not the boyfriend. I think it is because, in that instance, that you (the person bringing the news) is the one who confirms what the person already knew, OR said the words that have the potential to change their life. Gotta know who to tell I guess… 🙂
http://mkokopelli.blogspot.com/2013/01/the-expats-working-from-home.html – This morning I looked at my agenda for the day and seriously considered just taking a break from it all for a year and doing nothing but spending time with the kids. I wonder if I’d go crazy without work! I don’t know that my super mom powers would still work after taking a rest… 🙂
http://noteverstill.blogspot.com/2013/01/you-cant-go-home-again.html – I feel like I have a buncha hometowns, but the longer I live in DC, the more I feel at home here. 12 years in the area, and I am just now feeling uncomfortable calling the area where I grew up, home. Nice post! 🙂
http://usingourwords.com/2013/01/21/my-work-from-home-mom-secret/ – Thank you for sharing this! Every time my kid asks me to play cars with him, I feel a little guilty for wanting to say no… I thought I would be better at being home with the kids, but I found out that as much as I like to do crafts – I really do like to do them on my own for relaxation, not always to expand the kids’ minds.
http://realnani.blogspot.com/2013/01/seasons.html – My son asked me today what I would have been like if I didn’t have kids, and I told him that I had no idea. He said I’d find out when they all left for college, then they started adding up how many years each one of them had left at home with me… it seemed far, but too close at the same time. Wonderful post! 🙂
http://cindy-weallfalldown.blogspot.com/2013/01/the-expats.html – This was a fun post to read – I’m a bunny slope often face down in the snow skier. I do enjoy reading the adventure more than living it these days! 🙂
http://www.girlwithblog.com/2013/01/on-secrets-but-really-lack-thereof.html – So sweet! There’s nothing like knowing that you are loved even when you are not at your best.
http://sandboxmoxie.com/2013/01/21/a-broad-abroad/ – Good plan – to “make the most of” your adventure. I used to think that I could follow my husband anywhere… I wonder what I’d do if I was really faced with having to pick up and move with him to an unfamiliar place.
http://jodifur.com/2013/01/i-live-a-double-life.html – I almost told my sister in law about my blog this past weekend, then I choked the words back in and swallowed them. If she actually read it, she may get to know me and start to like me… I just can’t have that – especially since I can’t guarantee that I’ll like her back.
http://naptimeismytime.com/2013/01/the-cat-is-out-of-the-bag.html – Sometimes I stay away from talking about the blog because I don’t want to answer the question, “How do I start a blog?” at that particular time – It is never a short answer!
http://notjustaworkingmom.blogspot.com/2013/01/the-expats.html – I really would love to travel with the kids and watch their eyes widen at the things we don’t see here at home!
Stay tuned for more comments as we continue to discuss The Expats. Each of us received a copy of the book for review purposes.