Change is Good!

Perfectionism can be crippling. I’ve written about this before – and as I look around the chaos that is my house – the problem is still there. I love to watch the Biography channel, and when I hear the great people that are profiled described as perfectionists, I wonder to myself – how can that be?  I am a perfectionist, and that KEEPS me from getting all kinds of amazing things done.

You know the saying, if you can’t do it right, don’t do it at all? Well, that’s me. If I don’t have time to clean the bathroom from top to bottom, I won’t clean anything.  I admire people who can clean the toilet one day, the tub the next, and the sink the next.  I just can’t do that.

If I could change one thing about myself, I’d change that. I am sure that a partially clean house is better than a wholly dirty house, but I wouldn’t know.  If I can’t get it all done, I mentally curl up in a ball under the covers and just go to sleep – simple as that.  I can get day to day tasks done, like the kids classes, baths, breakfast, lunch, and dinner – but that’s about it.  I have to get everyone out of the house to clean, or they have to be asleep. Anyone who is a mom, has a mom, or knows a mom, knows that getting either or both of those to happen is near impossible.

I’m not usually up for change – but in this case, change is good! I’d love to not have to have everything perfect, especially when cleaning is concerned.

Do you consider yourself a perfectionist? If so, how do you handle it?  If not, what tips or tricks do you have for someone who needs it all to be right… right now?