#MinorityHealth Blogger Townhall on Tuesday, April 24th at 12:30 p.m.

As part of the observation of National Minority Health month, I am participating in a live in-person Minority Health Blogger Townhall on Tuesday, April 24th at 12:30 p.m. at the White House.The event will be an interactive, open dialogue with stakeholder groups and bloggers to highlight what the health care law, the Affordable Care Act, means for racial and ethnic minorities. We will also discuss racial and ethnic heath disparities and how the Administration is addressing these disparities.


Who will be there:

Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary, US Department of Health & Human Services

Dr. Regina Benjamin, Surgeon General, US Department of Health & Human Services

Dr. Nadine Gracia, Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Minority Health & Director of the Office of Minority Health, US Department of Health and Human Services

Mayra Alvarez, Director of Public Health Policy, Office of Health Reform, US Department of Health & Human Services

The event will begin at 12:30pm with opening remarks, followed by a question and answer period. It will also be live streamed via www.whitehouse.gov/live and www.hhs.gov/live. We will be using the hashtag #MinorityHealth.


If you have questions that you would like for me to ask on your behalf, please leave them in the comments section, and I will try to get them addressed.