Socamom’s Caribbean Gift Guide 2015 – Fashion Mix + Match

Esp Jr. Island (Trinidad) + Nicole and Madeline (Trinidad/US)


ESPjr Island (Trinidad) Mini Trini OnesieBUY NOW

“With our debut collection, ‘Island Babies’, we are on a mission to engage and encourage children to appreciate the Caribbean’s diverse environment, festivals, culture, sounds, and tastes. The ultimate goal is to lead them to contribute to a better Caribbean.” ~ Shop ESPjr Island | @espjrisland on Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

Handmade Wax Cloth Orange and Blue Baby ShoesBUY NOW

“Nicole and Madeline (Trinidad/US) specializes in custom and creative clothing for women, men, and children. We have been creating beautiful clothing for over 25 years, and we are now making our designs available to the public through this website. The possibilities are endless, so if you do not find what you are looking for on our site, please do not hesitate to contact us.” ~ Shop Nicole and Madeline | @nicandmad on Twitter | Facebook | Instagram