I should read more... :: Socamom.com

10 by 10: Blogs I Checked Out Today December 28, 2012: The Babble Edition

I should read more... :: Socamom.com

As you guys know by now, I read a lot of blogs. Maybe not a lot of books, but a LOT of blogs.  I usually read 10 by 10 am, so I do a 10 by 10 series every now and then if I have a particularly good morning of sweet, shareworthy reading. Today, I am in the midst of New Year’s cleaning, and didn’t finish this by 10 am, but 10 by 1 sounds strange.

It started with a photo posted by Babble on Facebook. I ended up on their site, reading Wisdom from Mom Bloggers: Tips for First Time Bloggers, and found that even though I’ll be at two years blogging next year, I still have a TON to learn.  When I hit a piece of advice that resonated with me, I went to the writer’s blog to see what else they have written that might move me… Here’s what I found:

Mocha Momma (@mochamomma on Twitter)http://www.mochamomma.com/2012/12/09/couple-of-things/ – My comment: I have to admit that I laughed out loud at “Goes to a black.” I can’t wait to slip that in on my husband in conversation and see if he catches it, and what his reaction is. He’s a black too, so he just might find it funny. Or not. First time visitor – loving your blog!

Sweet Saltyhttp://www.kateinglis.com/sweetsalty/2012/12/4/niyama-flow.html – My comment: I don’t recognize myself a lot these days. I see that I have become some weird mashup of my dad’s face and strategically sarcastic mouth, and my mom’s neck and legs. It’s so creepy. I’m still very much recognizable to my friends though… matter of fact, mildly funny, and always down for sushi and chicken wings.

Sarah and the Goon Squad (@goonsquadsarah on Twitter)http://sarahandthegoonsquad.com/2012/12/10/not-so-sure-about-those-christmas-carols/ – My comment: I do a lot of my Google and wikipedia searches while the kids are arguing. I get them to stop by throwing obscure facts at them… they share everything they have learned about the Bee Gees and the cast of Office Space as soon as he gets in the door. Needless to say he is a little unsure about my homeschooling plan. 🙂

Black Girl in Maine (@blackgirlinmain on Twitter) – I commented, but it didn’t post… not sure why. Something about Maine being beautiful, but strikingly brown face free.  Something like that. You can read any of her posts here… any of them, seriously, are good reads: http://blackgirlinmaine.com

Bug and the Sweet Banana (@bugandthebanana on Twitter)http://bugandthesweetbanana.typepad.com/bug-and-the-sweet-banana/2012/12/christmas-2012.html – My comment: (Not sure it posted, but this is what I wrote…) This post sent me on a roller coaster… I went from, “Awwwww” (puppy) to “ew” (pocket vomit), back to “awwwwww” (the bigger sleeping Trouser), to “aw man” at the “snuffly” nose, to “wow” at the gift-a-palooza, to “sweeeeet” at all the smiley faces, then all “joy to the world” with the last set of photos. Now that’s talent. Happy New Year! 🙂

The Bloggess (@thebloggess on Twitter)http://thebloggess.com/2012/12/astronomy-classes-ruined-my-sense-of-romance – My comment: Sounds just like a conversation that my friends and I would have… but it would start something like, “Aw man, I heard this ridiculously sweet quote that was so inaccurate. Let’s come up with a better one. One that sucks less. Here’s a napkin.”

The Nie Nie Dialogues – Very cute Christmas video… http://www.nieniedialogues.blogspot.com/2012/12/merry-christmas-from-nielsons.html

A Little Pregnant (@alittlepregnant on Twitter)http://www.alittlepregnant.com/alittlepregnant/2012/12/gone-bad-wrong.html – My comment: This was very thoughtfully written, and I appreciate you for saying what a lot of people are scared to say.  I had to explain it to my 3 kids, 6, 7, and 13. Not because I wanted to, and not because they would have heard about it while we watched the news – but because everywhere we went it was on a random TV or on the radio… just everywhere. Only the 13 year old was scared and he said so. The two youngest have a much simpler view of the world, and had likely let it go shortly after the explanation. I homeschool so I’ll have to be the one to explain church burnings, and other instances of unspeakable seemingly random cruelty against children, that this tragedy will join in the history books. My prayer is that the care for those that are still here is ongoing. It is easy to mourn for the kids that lost their lives, but much harder to continue to ask the surviving kids, teachers, and parents, “are you okay?” long after social media has moved on, and news coverage dwindles.

Motherhood Uncensored (@thatkristen on Twitter)http://www.motherhooduncensored.net/motherhood_uncensored/2012/12/so-apparently-carbs-sugar-and-booze-make-me-an-asshole-.html – My comment: Oh wow. I haven’t checked to see if losing booze, carbs, and sugar will change my mood, but since basically ALL Caribbean food involves some combination of these – I may not make it.  I have a WHOLE black cake (rum, wine, sugar, fruit, and flour) sitting on my table waiting to be eaten, and a host of other goodies that I had no intention of sharing, let alone throwing away. We actually have a dessert called “sugar cake”. I don’t think a good mood is worth getting rid of black cake… that alone will make me an a**hole. I am supposed to be joining a friend in eating clean, so I may hold off for a while. Thank goodness wine and rum together are a perfect preservative.

Uppercase woman (@cecilyk on Twitter) – http://uppercasewoman.com/2012/12/23/from-our-family/ – My comment: How sweet! My favorite part was the removing of the headband… Happy New Year! 🙂

Know of any blogs that I should be reading? Is it yours? Let me know!  If you stop by these blogs, tell them Eva from SocaMom.com sent you… enjoy! 🙂