Blogger Conference Packing List – 10 Must Haves (with a packing list)!

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If you are new to blogging conferences (I still feel new), it is tough to figure out what to pack.  Each conference is different, so what you need to bring varies.  Here are my top 10 must haves:

  1. Business Cards – you have to have these. If the conference is going to have 250 people, figure that you need one per person.  Your goal is to meet everyone, right? You probably won’t – but at least you will have enough cards to enter giveaways, share with sponsors, and hand to speakers, if you plan to have one per attendee.
  2. Comfortable shoes – they have to be comfortable to you. I have some super high heels that I can jog in, and flats that make me want to set them on fire at the first chance I get.  If you feel schlumphy in sneakers, then find a happy medium.  Whatever you do, be prepared walking for long hotel hallways, standing at mixers, and working the room during meet and greet sessions. @anne_hogan of tweeted me and added:

    Good call Lady Anne!

  3. Cute pajamas – for some reason pajama parties are in right now. I don’t get it, and I am never prepared.  I don’t think it is mandatory, just be warned.
  4. A cell phone with a hotspot or mi-fi.  The hotel wi-fi can sometimes be less than ideal. If you are planning to update your Twitter followers and facebook fans on the happenings at the conference in a play-by-play sort of way, relying on the free wireless access could be frustrating.  You can also tweet and post to facebook using your smart phone if you do not plan on carrying a laptop or tablet.
  5. Gum or mints – sometimes they have them available, sometimes they don’t – but SOMETHING will either have onions or garlic in it, and you have networking to do.  Best bet – bring your own.
  6. 5 Hour energy – sometimes there’s coffee available. But unless you want to spend half the conference in the bathroom… Other times, you’ll need a boost, and there won’t be anything available.  Make sure you don’t miss any great info by dozing off in a session.  The other downside to falling asleep, is trying to introduce yourself to the presenter who saw your head bobbing or heard you snoring.  Go ahead and say it. “I don’t usually do this.” Now take that tiny bottle to the face and get all the info you came to get!
  7. Work out gear – at least sweats and some sneakers. Even if you don’t work out regularly, you may find a great workout buddy for the duration of the conference.  It is a great way to network, and get your blood flowing before you have to spend a good amount of the rest of the day sitting.
  8. A Branded t-shirt – you should include your Twitter handle and web address. One day, maybe on a workout day or at a casual breakfast, or even on the last day as you pack up to leave, put on your shirt and wear it proudly.  It is a nice way to share your blog information without having to shove a business card in someone’s hand – especially if you are kind of shy or this is your first conference.
  9. A bag that holds your laptop, phone, tablet, cards, 5 hour energy, gum, freshening up supplies (lip gloss or lip balm and face wipes), pen, small pad, travel size contact solution and case, credit card, and ID – When you leave to go back to your room to get things, you miss stuff.  Fellas, look into a shoulder bag with a comfortable strap or a backpack that doesn’t look like it is your first day of 8th grade.  Ladies, there are a ton of cute laptop bags out there with pockets for everything.
  10. A great attitude – There will be a lot of different personalities interacting during the conference, some with different agendas, and some going after the very same contacts and sponsors with whom you are attempting to connect.  Be patient, be kind, wait your turn, and “do unto others.”  Some people say they aren’t at these conferences to make friends. I say, you never know.  Go with a great attitude, an open mind, a kind heart, and a friendly disposition, and I’ll bet you will earn fans and possibly friends.
  11. (BONUS!) I forgot this one – @andreaberg from says:

I have been to conferences that were 10 minutes from my house and I STILL got a room.  As a mom, sometimes you need that break.  It is tough to learn everything you need to learn,  attend all of the events, then come home and do all the things that wives, moms and husbands (men go to these things too) have to do.


The rooms can be expensive, so if you choose to drive in each day or go for just one day, the must-haves above are probably all you need.  I had to come back from one conference and miss the morning sessions for a violin recital, so the must haves were all I had with me.

Staying overnight?  Here is a packing list to add to your regular packing list.


  • Flip Flops (I use for shower and pool)
  • Swimwear
  • Cover-up/T-shirt/Sarong
  • Sweats or Yoga Pants
  • Tank
  • Sportsbra
  • Ponytail holder/headband/scarf
  • Sneakers and socks


  • Pajamas to sleep in (in case you have a roommate and can’t sleep au natural)
  • Pajamas to party in
  • Slippers for the room and hall
  • Slippers for the party (the more interesting the better – great conversation starters)


  • Cash to buy books from vendors (some don’t take credit cards) – about $50 should be enough
  • Credit card with a low limit (I keep one of these for travel) – for lunches and dinners that you have to eat on your own.
  • Credit card for the room – some places require that you be able to have a hold on your account for a specified amount for the duration of your stay.  Make sure you have enough available for the room, deposit, parking, and tax.
  • ID – never know who will ask for it
  • If you are going to be out of state, don’t forget to call your bank and credit card company to let them know.  Getting your card declined is never nice, especially when the money is there!

Parties and Mixers

  • Comfy, camera friendly party outfit (check your conference’s website to see how many you will need and the attire for each) – nothing that is going to mess up someone’s pictures when the flash bounces off of your blinged out blouse.  Okay, black is slimming, and fellas tend to default to black when going out, but in a pic taken in a dark setting, it makes it look like you are nothing more than a floating head.
  • Extra business cards in a nice carrying case
  • Small purse in case there are giveaways – No fun to try to carry a huge purse and your winnings back to your hotel room.
  • Small camera that is easy to use – if you intend to be in any of your own pictures, make sure you bring a real camera to the party so that someone else can take your pic with the people you meet.  It is still easier than having to unlock your phone, explain how to use the camera to a relative stranger, then by the time they get it together to take the pic, it is locked up again…
  • Comfortable shoes – stilettos or flats, choose something that is comfortable for you.

Meetings and sessions

  • 2 comfortable outfits per day (spills happen, and I like to have options)
  • Jacket or sweater – in case the room is cool for you
  • Comfortable shoes for walking and standing
  • Small purse that fits in your laptop bag


  • Laptop, tablet, or both with Tweetdeck or Hootsuite
  • Smart Phone with Twitter and Facebook
  • Headphones with a microphone (I actually did an interview while I was at one conference via skype – you never know what work will come up, you can also use it to skype with the family when you start missing them!)

So that is it!  If you have something to add to the list, let us know in the comments section.  I may update the post with your suggestions and a link back to your website and Twitter handle!