Every Gift Helps… #Jamaica

SocaMom’s supports 1Love and the Jamaican victims of Hurricane Sandy!

Help us support 1Love by making a donation. The process is fast, easy, and secure. We truly appreciate any support you can provide. It will benefit a great cause!

If you can’t make a donation at this point, help me reach my goal by sharing this page on Facebook and Twitter! Or, even better, send an e-mail to friends you think might be interested in contributing and include a link to our page!

Click here to make a donation – click on “Donate Now” – you can donate using PayPal if you’d like.  Just nine four more (Thanks to a generous gift from one of my favorite writers from St Kitts and Nevis over at Embrace the Struggle) people giving just $10, and we’ll reach our goal of $100! Every little bit helps…

Thanks so much for your generosity!