Doesn’t that take up a lot of time? (Well, that is why they have time stores, right?)
It doesn’t take up nearly as much time as doing homework after school when I haven’t prepped for it. The cool thing about home schooling is that I know exactly what all three of them are expected to learn before they start the school day starts. I know immediately if they understand it because the online program that we use has these neat little checkpoints. If they aren’t getting it, we can go back and work on it some more.
It actually takes up a lot less time than traditional school – for us at least. I was the mom who had to get the full play by play from my kids when they got in the car. Knowing how their school day went was really important to me – it still is. The older they get, the harder that information is to get out of them after a long day at school.
Now let’s consider homework. After a full day – for me and them – we had homework. They didn’t understand it the first time the teacher went through it, and the class moves on whether all 25 kids understand the lesson or not, so they have to try again to learn it with my help when they get home. So they still end up spending a whole lot of time on school work – trying to RE-learn what they were supposed to have gotten in class, sometimes going to bed late, and being too tired to focus the next school day.
Long story short – no it actually takes less time!