20… 30…40… RUN! #MyGeekIsShowing

My mom was an early computer nerd – and she raised one, me. I remember her having the “amber screen” computers in her office, and making sure that my brother and I were enrolled in every computer class she could find for kids our age – and some that weren’t.  I would sit in front of the Apple II Plus on weekends creating games and quizzes using BASIC (I thought that was a lot of fun), and trying to get banners and signs for my pretend businesses to print out using the dot matrix printer.

[It’s the last day to vote for SocaMom.com]

Once I got to college, it was me, some WordPerfect, and a huge audience. As a marketing student, I was eager to try out all I had learned in class on my fellow Aggies, but being a nail tech only let me try out my advertising skills on a small segment of the student body.  When I saw the chance to run for Miss Junior – I couldn’t pass it up.  I didn’t know what Miss Junior did – other than look pretty – and since I was not the one to wear heels to class – I wasn’t totally sure that I was a good fit. Either way, I was going to have the most memorable campaign on campus… that’s for sure. My friends and I went beyond the red Solo cups in the chain link fence, and flyers in the student union.  We went out late at night with sidewalk chalk, and made “Vote for Eva” hopscotch games, and colorful “Vote for Eva” murals.  In the morning, some people were like, “What in the world?” Others rolled their eyes, and still others got all into it and played hopscotch on the boards.

It rained. We went all over campus and drew them again. Then I lost. It didn’t rain for a week. Evidence of my failure was written all over the sidewalk. Ugh. Unfortunately, the internet is so much more permanent.

[Don’t miss your chance to vote for SocaMom.com]

I may not have won, but the campaign was remembered.  I got a chance to use my creativity to get people to listen, and smile.

On a trip to @teeohwhy’s house earlier this year, she gave me these… She had helped me campaign, oh… I dunno… a lotta years ago for Miss Junior when we were in college.  She kept them.  I didn’t even have copies, but she had ’em – all this time, from 1995. Now that’s love.

Ohh wow. Look at that hair… and that COLLAR!!! 1995.

Gotta love that clip art. WordPerfect…. 1995.

Bangs… hoop earrings… too much silver jewelry, leather watch band. 1995.

Fast forward to 2012, and again, she is supporting me as I compete with some amazing bloggers for Best New Blog and Best Parenting Blog in the Black Weblog Awards.

I didn’t go all out and campaign for this. This time, it’s different.  This has more to do with what I do – it’s not a popularity contest.  I wrote a couple of blog posts, made some fly “vote for socamom” buttons (I mean, I AM still me – something HAD to be done), and then went back to writing.  If I want people to choose SocaMom.com for the best parenting blog, then I need work towards being a good parent for my kids, and to share the information that helps my readers do their best parenting.  If I want people to vote for my blog as the best new blog, I have to show my readers that amazing things can be done in just one year of hard work.

I am so grateful for the support of my friends and family, and if you love my work, click here to vote for SocaMom.com. Thanks to my new friends in blogging, BFF’s, friends, sorors, and family who shared SocaMom.com, voted, and got us through to final voting.  Today is the last day to vote, so I’d appreciate you voting just one more time.