Happy New Year!

As we leave 2022 behind and jump right into 2023, it is always a great idea to reflect on what we have accomplished and remember those we have loved and lost.

May Pelé, Black Stalin, Mama Coco, Blaxx, and many others we have lost in 2022 rest in eternal peace.

I am grateful to be entering 2023 with more life, strength, and health than I did in 2022. I am thankful for friends and family who listened, encouraged me, and showed me that it was okay to take a break, rest, and heal. I was inspired and motivated by members of the SocaMom community who continued to do great things from opening restaurants and being featured in magazines and books to gracing billboards in Times Square and so much more.

This year I didn’t do as much as I usually do. I spent time resting, trying new things, and figuring out how I will want to spend the rest of my time now that the kids are getting older.


I’ve discovered new things that I really enjoy doing like podcasting. What I really love about my new podcast with my husband is that our kids get to listen to us talk. I don’t know much about my mom and dad’s personalities, and I am so glad that my kids can hear what we were like as kids and how we interact as adults from our own mouths. I feel like we are leaving a neat little archive for them and having a blast doing it.


I’ve tried a few new things and dusted off some old favorites. I hope to be able to share them here on SocaMom soon. I have eaten a TON of Chinese dumplings. They come from Trader Joe’s, but I hope to try to make my own soon.


I know – that sounds crazy – but hear me out. I was a cheerleader in high school and college, and my daughter has tried cheerleading for the first time this year. She is having a wonderful experience. I got to dust off some old cheers and show her how to do them. One of the highlights of my year was watching her actually do some of the cheers I taught her with her teammates during games! I also worked on becoming a better cheerleader for my friends. I have some wonderful people that I can call friends, and I truly enjoy sharing their talents with others. I’m looking forward to doing more of that in 2023.


I didn’t read a TON of books this year, but I managed to get through some pretty powerful ones like Will (Will Smith) and Finding Me (Viola Davis). I’m planning to do a full revival of the Caribbean Book Club in 2023 starting with Black Cake in January. Make sure you are in the Book Club on Facebook!


My friends have been kind enough to hold me accountable for this one and I’ve made a lot of progress. I’ve also been able to work on some animation which felt really good to get back into. I plan to get a lot of work out in 2023, and I can’t even explain to you how excited I am about it.

Everybody always has grand plans for the new year, but as they say, “life be lifing.” I don’t want to promise myself to lose more weight, read more books, or eat less sugar – even though I definitely should have that on my mind. My only real goals are to wear brighter colors and give more kisses. I have hugs down, I think, but I think the kids need more kisses. Or maybe I need more kisses. We’ll see.

As we say farewell to 2022, I hope that you are proud of your accomplishments and the person you are becoming. Happy New Year – the best is yet to come!