Interview with Socially Diverse: Eva Chats with James Walker About Being a Caribbean Parenting Blogger

Recently, I was featured on fellow Caribbean American, PR professional, and social media enthusiast James Walker’s blog, Socially Diverse (@jaywalk1 on Twitter). The thing that I love about doing interviews is that they make me think about things that I haven’t really considered before.  A lot of times, you don’t really acknowledge what you feel about certain issues until someone asks the question.

Here are some of my favorite questions from the interview.

How has Soca and your upbringing influenced you as a person?

At one point, you made the transition from being Eva to SocaMom. What inspired this new purpose and focus?

If you had to describe SocaMom using five words, what would they be?

We have a decent take on the general “mommy blogger community” in the US. What are the major similarities and differences that become apparent when you look at the international community? Anything unique to the Caribbean?

When it comes to the Caribbean, there are multiple identities at play – usually a mix between family style/upbringing, nationality and a Caribbean/West Indian collective. Do you find this popping up in discussions of parenting?

Go over to Socially Diverse to see how I answered!  You may be surprised at some of my responses…