Mom’s Night Out or Date Night – Right Now, I’ll Take Either One


I haven’t had a “Mom’s Night Out” in quite a while. For me, it is putting on something cute, fun, but still comfortable – going out and having a good time without having to say, “Put that back. Stop that. Don’t touch that. Do you hear me? Get your hand out of your mouth. Come here….” And the list goes on.

Sometimes, I just need a break. A real break. Not the fake break that is a vacation with the kids.  That is just doing mommy stuff and saying mommy stuff – somewhere else.

Every now and then I get a full Mom’s weekend, in the form of a blogging conference or a date weekend.

Last time the hubby and I dropped the kids off and ran away from home to Philly, I had a blast.  I got to wear this cute sequinned skirt and some ridiculous shoes, and we went out and ate food that wouldn’t get either one of us full, but that we couldn’t afford if we had to feed the kids too.  They actually require that we fill them up.

So this is the next Mom’s Night Out or Date Night outfit that I plan to put together.  I have all the parts… now I just need the time…