Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother’s Day! A Mom’s Work…

Happy Mother's Day!I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother’s Day!

I woke up to breakfast made by the kids with the hubby as their diligent assistant, cards, flowers, and lots of hugs and kisses.  After a full day of activities, we had a late dinner at Aberdeen Barn.  Our waiter was from the Caribbean (because for some reason wherever I go there is always SOME kind of Caribbean connection!) so the hubby and I made a moneyless wager on where he was from.  He chose Barbados, and as always I chose Trinidad – with Guyana as a backup bet.

For one day a year everyone, from the clerk at the grocery store to the teenager in the drive thru taking your order, acknowledges that your job is important.

People say that it is a conspiracy between the greeting card companies, flower companies, and restaurants to make a quick buck – especially since lots of moms are working overtime at those places and miss Mother’s Day altogether.  It may be – but if we all stopped buying cards and going to overpriced buffets for Mother’s Day, and just wrote letters, emails, texts, made phone calls, got on Skype, posted on walls on Facebook, sent out loving tweets, and just communicated our love for our own mothers (still with us and passed on), people who were like mothers to us, and just hard working mothers we know – wouldn’t the day be just as special?

As a mom, I say, YESSIR!

We spent the day at the pool, playing mini-golf, and enjoying each other’s company.  One of best part of the day for me was being there to see Mr. Social jump into the pool on his own for the first time.

I was there to catch this shot of the very last time that he asked the Hubby to catch him.  Every jump after this was on his own.

Another highlight was all the hugs and kisses I got from my oldest.  As they get older, those hugs and kisses get a little sparse, so a day when they are unlimited is priceless.

Last but not least, at dinner, after we said our grace, the waiter jokingly asked baby girl if she prayed for him.  Well, to her, prayer is not a joke, so she promptly dropped her cracker and said a prayer for him.  After she finished, he says, “You know God is good, right?” She gives him an enthusiastic, “Yes he is!” and went back to the business that was on her plate.

All us moms want is to raise confident, loving, praying children. Some of us would love a soccer star, a doctor, a lawyer, or an engineer – but at the root of it – we just want good kids.  As much as I love the kindness of strangers yelling, “Happy Mother’s Day” across the parking lot, the ultimate thank you would come from God looking at the kids that he has charged my husband and I with and saying to me – “Well done.”

Oh, and we both lost – the waiter was from Jamaica.