Expecting Mom Tami Chynn Graces the Cover of the Anniversary Issue of b3 Caribbean Magazine

Jamaican singing sweetheart, Tami Chynn and her Wayne Marshall are expecting their first child. They beauty and her beau talk about love, life, and parenthood in the anniversary issue of b3 Caribbean Magazine – Bump, Baby and Beyond.

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In its first year, the magazine has been a reflection of the best of Jamaica and the Caribbean.  The stunning photographs, super star interviews, and gorgeous layout have set a new standard for print and digital magazines in the Caribbean.

This will be the second time that I have had the pleasure of having my writing published in this magazine, alongside some really wonderful content for parents and parents to be.  In this issue, I talked with Margaret Kernich (Australia) about family friendly travel in Bali, and with Nicole Barrett (Jamaica) about finding paradise with the kids in Turks and Caicos.

Check out my article in the free digital version of the magazine at www.b3caribbeanmagazine.com, or order the print version, also available on select newsstands in the Caribbean and the US.

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